Mid-terms. They sneak up on you like that last-minute group project nobody told you about until it’s due in 24 hours. Suddenly, you’re drowning in flashcards, caffeine, and existential dread. But hey, who needs sleep, right? WRONG. You do. You also need a plan, a break (or ten), and maybe a magic spell to teleport you past the stress. Since I’m fresh out of magic, let’s go with a slightly more practical approach. 

Here’s your step-by-step guide to surviving mid-terms without losing your mind—or at least not losing it completely. 


Step 1: The Panic Setup (a.k.a. Make a Plan) 


Pretend You’re Organized 

Okay, so maybe you haven’t opened your textbook since the first week of class. No judgment here, but it’s time to play catch-up. Grab whatever is left of your motivation, a planner (or, let’s be real, the back of a receipt), and make a plan. 

How to Do It: 

  • Prioritize Your Panic: Which exams are going to destroy you the most? Start with those. If it’s all of them, just breathe—we’ll get through this. 
  • Time Travel (Sort of): Estimate how much time you’ll need to study for each exam. Then double it because we both know you’ll spend half that time scrolling TikTok. 
  • Plot Your Escape: Block out study times, but don’t forget to schedule breaks—because burnout is so not the vibe. 

Pro Tip: Write everything down, because relying on your memory at this point is a joke. Sticky notes, planners, or even your phone—just pick something you won’t lose. 


Step 2: Get Mad, Then Get Sleep 


Sleep is Your Frenemy 

Look, we know sleep is important, but who has time for that when you’ve got three essays due yesterday? The truth is, pulling an all-nighter might feel productive, but it’s really just a slow descent into madness. And no one needs that. 

How to Do It: 

  • Real Talk: Decide when you’re going to bed and actually do it. Yes, this means putting your phone down (or at least on “Do Not Disturb”). 
  • Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: You know, that thing where you stay up late to “reclaim your time”? Yeah, cut that out. You’ll reclaim nothing but exhaustion. 
  • Nap Like a Pro: Power naps are your new best friend. Aim for 20-30 minutes, but if you accidentally sleep for two hours, just call it “self-care.” 

Bonus Tip: If you can’t sleep, at least lie down with your eyes closed. Maybe you’ll fool your body into thinking you’ve slept. It’s worth a shot, right? 


Step 3: Eat Your Feelings (But Make It Healthy-ish) 


The Snack Spiral 

Studying makes you hungry—like, irrationally hungry. But before you reach for that third bag of chips, let’s talk about how to snack smarter. You know, like an adult who totally has their life together. 

How to Do It: 

  • Stress Munching: If you’re going to stress-eat, make it count. Swap out the junk for brain-boosting foods like nuts, berries, or even a smoothie. At least then you’ll feel slightly superior while you procrastinate. 
  • Comfort Food with Benefits: Craving something more substantial? How about grabbing some protein-packed comfort food that won’t make you crash an hour later. Think chicken wraps, avocado toast, or something equally trendy. 
  • Water, Not Just Coffee: I know, coffee is life, but if you don’t want to feel like a dehydrated raisin by the end of the day, mix in some water. Your future self will thank you. 

Bonus Tip: Treat yourself to something good (and slightly healthier) with your SPC card. It’s called “reward-based learning,” and it’s totally a thing. 


Step 4: The Great Mental Health Check-In 


Have a Mid-Terms Meltdown 

Let’s not sugarcoat it—mid-terms are stressful. It’s okay to feel like the world is ending, even if it’s just because you’re two chapters behind. But before you spiral too hard, let’s talk about how to get a grip. 

How to Do It: 

  • Cry It Out: Sometimes, you just need to let it out. Whether it’s a few tears or a full-on ugly cry, you’ll feel better afterward. And if anyone asks, just say it’s “allergies.” 
  • Talk to Your Pets: Don’t have pets? Talk to your plants. They’re great listeners and never judge. Plus, talking to something other than your textbooks is surprisingly therapeutic. 
  • Self-Care is Key: Whatever self-care looks like for you, do it. Bubble baths, face masks, binge-watching reality TV—just do something that makes you forget mid-terms exist for a while. 


Get Distracted (Productively) 

Sometimes, you need a break from studying to clear your head. The key is to do something that’s still semi-productive, so you can trick yourself into thinking you’re not wasting time. 

How to Do It: 

  • Organize Your Desk: It’s procrastination, but it’s also cleaning, so it counts as productive. Plus, a clean desk might make you feel more in control (or at least more capable of finding your pens). 
  • Daydream About Dropping Out: Just kidding—mostly. Daydreaming about anything other than school for a few minutes can actually help reset your brain. Just don’t actually drop out, okay? 
  • Scroll with Purpose: If you’re going to scroll, do it with intention. Look up study hacks, motivational quotes, or even just funny memes to lighten the mood. 


Final Thoughts: Surviving Mid-Terms Like a Procrastination Pro 

Look, mid-terms are never going to be fun. They’re stressful, exhausting, and sometimes downright miserable. But you’re tougher than you think, and you can get through this. Just remember to take care of yourself, complain a little (or a lot), and maybe even reward yourself with something nice after all the madness is over. 

And if you’re not already an SPC member, what are you waiting for? With discounts on everything from snacks to self-care essentials, you can Spend. Save. Repeat. With SPC, surviving mid-terms just got a tiny bit easier—and a whole lot cheaper. 

Good luck out there, and remember—mid-terms can’t last forever, but your hilarious survival stories will. 


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